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Energy Analytics Case Study

How HEAVY.AI Enables S&P Global & IHS Markit's Customers to Get Answers to Complex Energy Questions in Seconds

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Energy Case Study


  • Quickly gaining insights into massive energy data sets
  • Visualizing layers of energy data at scale
  • Optimizing energy efficiency projects and investment decisions


  • Increased map and chart rendering speeds 10X
  • Instantaneous, interactive visualizations provide actionable answers in seconds
  • Dynamic visualizations provide greater visibility into anomalies and patterns in energy markets

The Benefits of HEAVY.AI for Energy Data Providers

An intuitive, immersive environment where energy customers can quickly reveal previously hidden information, compare datasets in context, and identify anomalies or patterns

Hardware acceleration provides an interactive space where high-velocity data (e.g., volatility, interest and exchange rates, assessed prices, and future prices) can be visualized and analyzed

Energy customers can optimize workflows and investment decisions with analytics-ready data

No-code data joins


S&P Global's IHS Markit, a major energy data provider, required a visualization solution capable of providing instantly interactive and immersive visualizations for their “Energy Studio: Impact” analytics environment, where energy participants and investors can quickly and easily perform detailed analysis on problems regarding production, reserves, economics, inventory, commercial workflows, finance, and other industry factors.


IHS Markit leverages the power of HEAVY.AI’s browser-based visual analytics feature, Heavy Immerse. Heavy Immerse allows customers to visualize and interrogate massive, complex energy data with near-zero latency. Their customers are empowered to pursue use cases such as: analyzing well variance and acreage grading, customizing insightful parameters, comparing historical energy consumption data, and comparing energy scenarios across vendors, geographies, and political boundaries – all in a matter of seconds, not weeks.

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