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Heavy Immerse

Heavy Immerse enables analysts and data scientists to easily visualize and instantly interact with massive datasets.

Interactive Visual Analytics for Big Data

Heavy Immerse is a browser-based, interactive data visualization client that works seamlessly with the HEAVY.AI server-side technologies, HeavyDB and Render. Immerse uses an instantaneous, cross-filtering method that creates a sense of being at "one with the data". Exceptionally easy to use, Immerse generates SQL queries to the HEAVY.AI backend on the fly, with clicks, not code. Advanced users can also generate stunning visual analytics from running hand-written SQL queries with Immerse if they desire.

Instant Interactive Visual Analytics

Heavy Immerse not only reduces the time to insights, it dramatically expands an analyst's ability to find previously hidden insights. A powerful combination of features, working seamlessly with the server-side power of HEAVY.AI, results in a truly immersive, unbounded visual analytics experience. Analysts and data scientists can interact with conventional charts and data tables, as well as massive-scale scatterplots and geo charts created by Heavy Render. They can even hand write SQL queries, should they desire, and creating new dashboards and charts is effortless.

Cross Filtering

Billions of rows of data come alive with HeavyImmerse. When an HEAVY.AI user clicks on any dimension in a chart or graph, Heavy Immerse instantly filters and re-renders all other visualizations in a dashboard to reflect that new context. This transformative way to find correlations and outliers in data makes Heavy Immerse one of the world's most powerful data management and data visualization tools.

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Geospatial Exploration

Instantly display pointmaps, heatmaps, and choropleths alongside supporting non-geographic charts, graphs and tables. As you zoom into any map, interactive visualizations refresh immediately to show data filtered by that geographic context. HeavyDB natively supports geometric and geographic datatypes like points and polygons, and by leveraging the Vega rendering engine, millions of such features can be rendered instantly. Multiple sources of geographic data can even be rendered as different layers on the same map, making it easy to find the spatial relationships between them.

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Multilayer Geo Charts

HEAVY.AI users can create geo charts with multiple layers of data, in order to visualize the relationship between factors within a geographic area. Each layer represents a distinct metric overlaid on the same map. Those different metrics can come from the same or a different underlying dataset. Analysts can compose multiple layers, reorder layers, choose to show or hide layers, or adjust the opacity of each layer. They can also toggle on or off the legends for any layer or turn off the legends completely for distraction free data analysis.

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Multisource Dashboard

Heavy Immerse can visually display dozens of distinct datasets in the same dashboard, without having to join underlying tables. This saves data preparation time and uncovers surprising multi-factor relationships that an analyst might not think to look for in a visualization system that can handle only one data source with fewer records. Each chart (or groups of charts) in a dashboard can now point to a different table, and filters are applied at the dataset level. Multisource dashboards expand an analyst’s ability to quickly compare across datasets, without having to merge the underlying tables.

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High Velocity Data

Heavy Immerse is ideal for operational use cases with high-velocity data constantly streaming at the organization. For example, sensor, clickstream, telematics or network data. In these settings, operational analysts need to see the latest data possible, so they can spot anomalies and trend variances rapidly. Immerse’s auto-refresh feature automatically updates visual analytics dashboards at flexible intervals relevant to the use case.

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Learn more about how Heavy Immerse delivers interactive data visualization with extreme speed and scale.

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